Matthew’s Men
Matthew’s MenThe Healing Stories of Jesus
Saturday, October 19, 2024 - 8:00 am, Bauer Hall
Join Matthew's Men on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 8:00 am in Bauer Hall as they continue to look at the Healing Stories of Jesus found in the Scriptures. The stories touch us deeply, as we consider the wonders that Jesus works for us in our most desperate moments when we turn to Him in faith. We long to hear the words of Jesus: "Go, your faith has saved you." This month, Tom Brayton will lead us in looking at John 4: 46-54, in which Jesus heals an official's son, a great reminder to always pray for those who we love and who are in need of healing of any kind.
Mark your calendars to join us in as we celebrate a new year of Matthew’s Men faith
sharing breakfasts. We meet once a month on a Saturday morning over coffee and
breakfast for fellowship and a discussion of faith related questions that men face. Whether you want to participate in the dialogue or sit back and soak it in, you’ll be a welcome
addition to the group. We don’t take attendance. You don’t have to come every month,
but we’re there if you’d like to. We meet in Bauer Hall beginning at 8:00 am with a hard
stop at 9:30 am so you may enjoy the remainder of your Saturday with family and activities