As a Catholic community our faith is nurtured by God’s Word, tradition, and the sacraments – all of which flow from the Church as a living community of faith. Sacraments are encounters with the living Christ in and through his Body, the Church. We deprive ourselves and our children of the fullness of God’s life when we separate the sacraments from the lived experience of Christian life in the community. The Church is more essential to us than ritual, for ritual is meaningless without full participation in the Church.
We want our young people to receive the sacraments in relationship with the primary people in their lives, namely, their parents. In Baptism, parents have promised to participate in the faith life of their children and we want to help them in any way we can to fulfill that commitment.
If currently you have not completed the Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist and or Confirmation) here’s your opportunity! There are individuals who were not baptized but are interested in joining the Catholic faith and would like to know more about the process or how to obtain full communion with the Catholic faith. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) prepares individuals for receipt of one or more sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation and or Eucharist.
If you would like additional information on the RCIA process, please call Deacon Ed Keegan at
(973) 927-1146 or via email: Deacon Ed at [email protected] or contact Fr. Brian.
To assist parents in understanding what is required for the reception of Sacraments at St. Matthew the Apostle Parish, the following guidelines are provided:
The sacrament of Marriage images the love of Christ between a man and a woman in their lifelong commitment to one another. It is truly a celebration and a source of joy and life in the Church and in society. Since marriage is such a sacred and challenging vocation, it is of the utmost importance that couples are properly prepared to enter into this sacrament. Couples should make arrangements one year in advance in accordance with Diocesan policy. In this year, they are expected to take part in a Marriage Preparation Process, which involves Pre-Cana and three focus meetings with the priest or deacon. Please contact the Parish Office for an appointment. (973) 584-1101
The care of the sick and elderly is always of importance to the Christian community. The sacrament of the anointing of the sick proclaims and makes real the healing and gentle love of Christ. It is available for those who are seriously ill, aged, infirmed, facing major surgery, either at home in the hospital or in a nursing facility. If a family member is ill in the hospital, please call the parish office; because of the new privacy laws we may not be aware that your family member is sick. (973) 584-1101
Through the sacrament of Baptism, we become members of the Church and receive the gift of eternal life. In Baptism, parents pledge to raise their children in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church and to journey with them. Parents must be registered parishioners and express a desire to take part regularly in the life and worship of the parish. Arrangements are made two months in advance.
Baptism is celebrated by on of the Deacons on Sunday afternoon beginning at 12:30 pm -or- at Sunday Mass by Fr. Brian. Baptisms are not celebrated during Lent. Typically, there are two Godparents (although only one is necessary). One Godparent must be a Catholic who is fully initiated into the Church, having received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. The other, if not Roman Catholic, must be a Christian adult.
Please contact the Parish Secretary for details on pre-baptismal instruction and date of Baptism . Click here to read about our Baptismal Preparation.
The sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are usually celebrated in second grade. Children should be enrolled in St. Matthew’s Religious Education Program and attend classes regularly for at least one year before beginning preparation for these sacraments. Preparation for Reconciliation is a prerequisite for receiving First Eucharist. New parishioners should submit proof of religious education from their previous parishes.
Older children who have not received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation or Eucharist will be ministered to according to the age of the child. Please call the Parish Office for an interview.
Holy Communion may be brought to the home of any person permanently or temporarily homebound. For the confined the elderly and/or shut-in, be they at home or in the hospital, the staff of our parish makes calls to the homes and hospitals each month. Please inform the office, (973) 584-1101, to have your name added to the list.
In being anointed with the Holy Spirit, the individual is empowered to live and serve as an adult in the Church, which begins the journey of living out your faith in a mature capacity.
Confirmation is celebrated sophomore year of high school (10th grade). Students who have not regularly attended religious education classes in the lower grades may need extra preparation before beginning the Confirmation process. New parishioners should submit proof of religious education from their previous parishes.
Preparation for the sacrament is a 2 year process starting at the beginning of high school which will include two retreats called BREATH and SEARCH.
The Sacrament of Penance will be celebrated each Saturday from 4:00-4:30PM before the evening Liturgy or by appointment at another time.
Are you missing a sacrament?
There are some individuals who are Catholic by never fully completed their sacramental requirements. You may be someone who accompanies your family to Mass but are not Catholic and want information on how to become Catholic. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a journey that prepares individuals seeking full acceptance into the Catholic faith…those needed one or all of the three sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and/or Eucharist. To learn more about the RCIA process call Deacon Ed Keegan at (973) 927-1146.